A very dear friend of the Monastery, Viola Florez-Tighe passed away peacefully on January 21, 2025, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the daughter of Florence Florez and Jose Merced Florez in Bloomfield, New Mexico. Viola was always involved in helping and supporting our monastery from the beginning of our move. It was her and the Florez family that gifted us with 40 acres of property in Gobernador in 2007. Viola would even take the time to bring the Vietnamese sisters extra food and other commodities. Out of her kindness Viola would support fund raisers to help with our different needs and we have a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary that she gave to Sister Mary, which we use in our Refectory. We pray for the repose of her soul and for all her family and friends that mourn her death.

February 10, 2025 – Solemnity of St. Scholastica – She was the twin sisters of St. Benedict of Nursia. From Chapter 33, Scholastica’s miracle, from the Life and Miracles of St. Benedict, “When darkness was setting in, they (St. Benedict and St. Scholastica and a few disciples) took their meal together and continued their conversation at table until it was quite late. Then the holy nun (St. Scholastica) said to him, “Please do not leave me tonight, brother. Let us keep on talking about the joys of heaven till morning. Refusing her, she “rested her head upon them in earnest prayer. When she looked up again, there was a sudden brst of lightening and thunder accompanied by such a downpour that Benedict and his companions were unable to set foot outside the door…Her influence was greater than his, since hers was the greater love.” (pp 68-69, Life of St. Benedict). Happy Solemnity of St. Scholastica! Know that we keep you in our prayers. God bless you, SK

The first meeting of the Benedictine Congregation of the Mother of the Incarnation, St Scholastica Priory in Petersham, Massachusetts, was held February 4-7, 2025. Here is a picture of Abbot Emeritus Anselm, from St. Mary’s Monastery, who came to preside over the election of our first president of the congregation. Prioress Hilda and Sister Kateri are next and from Our Lady of the Desert in New Mexico, Then Sister Gemma who was the secretary for the General Chapter, St. Scholastic Priory. Sister Elizabeth is next who is from Abbey of St. Walburga, then Sister Mary Frances and next, Mother Maria-Michael from the Abbey of St. Walburga and Mother Mary Elizabeth elected President of the Congregation, St. Scholastica Priory. Each community had their superior and one delegate for the meeting. There was much accomplished, and we are grateful and blessed for this encounter going over the Constitutions and appointing various officers.
Pope Francis Monthly Intentions for February 2025: For vocations to the priesthood and religious life
Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life.
“BE DOERS OF THE WORD,” by Bishop James S. Wall, Bishop of the Gallup diocese 2024: “Most Rev. James S. Wall, Bishop of Gallup discusses his special connection to the diocese and his experience as bishop in this unique diocese. Bishop Wall also talks about how the Catholic Home Missions Appeal helps provide the faithful of his diocese with the most basic things and why contributing to the Collection is so important. Bishop Wall’s diocese also has the highest percentage of Native American lands of any diocese in the country, he briefly discusses how the Church can minister to Native Americans through the Pastoral Framework for Indigenous Ministry “Keeping Christ’s Sacred Promise”. Bishop Wall just completed his 6th pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago this October!”

MISSION STATEMENT –The Monastery of Our Lady of the Desert is a monastic community of women in the Benedictine tradition. We profess vows of stability, conversion of life and obedience. Our primary mission, is to seek God through a life of prayer, silence and solitude. Our way of life frees us to give glory and praise to God, intercede through prayer for the needs of the world and hospitality